Veemon can DNA digivolve from a Dinosaur Digimon and Dragon Digimon. It can digivolve into Veedramon or Flamedramon. Veemon is a main enemy Digimon in the "Desert" level, as only he and Wormmon are unaffected by the sand in the "Desert" level. Official romanization given by the Digimon Reference Book and used in Japanese media. It has five fingers on its hands and three toes on each foot, and a claw on each finger and toe. It has white coloration in its belly and snout, a small horn on its nose, two ear-like appendages on its head, a yellow " V"-shaped mark on its forehead, and two yellow upside-down triangle marks under its eyes.
Veemon is a bipedal dragon Digimon with blue skin and red eyes. 3.25 Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory.3.23 Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue and Red.3.18.1 Digimon World Re:Digitize: Encode.3.4.1 Digimon Adventure 20th Memorial Story.3.4 Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna.3.3 Digimon Adventure 3D: Digimon Grandprix!.Heel Kick: A kick that brings its heel down on the opponent's head.Repeated Kick: Two midair kicks followed by a third, stronger kick when the enemy is on the ground.Repeated Stomping Attack: Jumps atop the enemy and repeatedly stomps on their head.Handstand Kick: Puts its hands on the ground and kicks the enemy with both feet."Headbutt Attack"): Attacks with a very strong head butt. Headbutt ( ずつきこうげき, Zutsuki Kougeki ?, lit.Vee Shot ( V-Shot): Fires a small energy blast at the enemy."Buzzing Punch"): Attacks the enemy with both arms swinging. Boom Boom Punch ( ブンブンパンチ, Bunbun Punch ?, lit.Hopping Kick: Gains some momentum and jump kicks with both feet.Vee Headbutt ( V-mon Head): Knocks down the opponent with an intense headbutt.Vee Punch ( V-mon Punch): Swings both of its arms in circles, striking the opponent.Although it has a mischievous, prank-loving personality, it has another side with a strong sense of justice. Among others, Veemon is an excellent Combat Species, as it possesses hidden power, and demonstrates tremendous abilities by Armor Digivolving. As a survivor of a species that flourished in the Genesis of the Digital World, it is able to perform " Armor Digivolution", a "pseudo-digivolution" using the Digi-Eggs. It is a new species of Digimon that was discovered recently. If you don't think any of the above situations apply, you can use this feedback form to request a review of this block.Gallery Veemon is a Dragon Digimon.

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